Monday, October 26, 2015

Lost Edges


I am always looking for insights from other artists about edges.  Whenever I feel that I am not thinking about them enough in my paintings I re-read the articles I can find by Carolyn Anderson.  A lot of them are posted on her website.  Here is a link:

There is a artist profile about Carolyn Anderson in the Feb-Mar 2015 Plein Air Magazine. 

The last three pumpkin paintings I have done were efforts to remind myself about hard edges, soft edges and lost edges. 

It looks like I paint a lot of pumpkins.   All of the pumpkins are from Snead's Farm, a place in Fredericksburg that I love and one pumpkin was picked by my granddaughter Hannah, painted in two of the paintings.  Both very good reasons to paint pumpkins.

Carolyn Anderson was also interviewed on a radio show.  I'm pretty sure it was "Artists Helping Artists".

Sharp edges here and soft ones in the background and shadow side.
 Especially soft edges on the shadow side.

This one has hard, soft and lost edges plus use of the palette knife.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Photos or Plein Air
 My husband and I visited a beach in Virginia and took this photo with Ken Auster's comments in mind.  We watched his DVD before our trip.  This wasn't the most magnificent house in the area, but it had a charm all its own. 
I love painting outside, but once in awhile a photo will work. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gone But Not Forgotten
This house was knocked down recently.  I don't really have all the facts, but it was called an antebellum house. When we first moved here a nice older couple lived in this house.  The husband was often outside tinkering on the house and was very friendly.  He used to say hello to us whenever we walked by. I took quite a few photos because I liked the red roof and picket fence.  It just called to me to be painted and remembered. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Daily Paintworks

Thank you Daily Paintworks
This painting was chosen as a "Judges Pick" for the month of October so this means my paintings are shown at the top of the gallery page for this month.  I feel very honored to be chosen for this.  Thank you.  It is a good idea to enter this contest.  If you aren't a member of DPW, I encourage that, too.  It's really given me a more disciplined approach to painting by painting every day and posting each day on the website.  Here is a link to Daily Paintworks.  Plus I have had to become more organized with record keeping and filing my paintings.  My spread sheet is nothing to write home about, but for the most part I know where each painting is.   

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Fredericksburg Plein Air Artists  (link to our facebook page)

Our leader,  Patty Obrien, submitted a photo to Plein Air Magazine that she took at Snead's Farm when we were on one of our weekly plein air trips.  I call her "the wind beneath our wings".  Gregg really did put his chair out in the field and had these visitors who were very interested in art. 

Gregg Holmes  (link to article)
