Thursday, May 15, 2014

Painting Children

May 15, 2014

Last blog I said I would include steps for this painting, since I remembered to take photos along the way.  When I saw this photo it just seemed so perfect for a painting.  Is it because one is my granddaughter?

Finished painting - 9 x 12

Step by step for "special moment" painting

Step 1 - Loose drawing using wash of burnt sienna and ultramarine blue, pulled out lights with paper towel and add some color. I spent quite awhile trying to get the proportions correct in the drawing, but did some redrawing along the way. 
 Step 2 - Started adding  some darks, color and lights, worked on getting skin tones, using mix of cad red, yellow ochre and viridian.  Shadow color is permanent rose and UB.

Step 3 - Worked all over canvas, refining shapes.

Step 4 - Kept refining shapes, especially arms and hands.

I like the title suggested to me of "Special Moment"


  1. Very nice photos of progress...I love this is so intimate and the colors are rich. I was looking through a book by Zorn today and your palette reminds me of some of his. Have you ever tried the Zorn palette? I love it.

    1. Thank you, Linda, for the nice comment. I have read about the Zorn palette, but never really tried it. Which book do you have? There are two on amazon.
