I am always inspired by the work of Qiang Huang. I subscribe to his blog and look at his paintings on DPW. He likes to take one subject an do multiple studies of it. These are one of the type of flowers he studied. I'm on the second study and since I bought a big bunch I will do a few more. I think I will try different ways to begin, e.g., white canvas, toned, darks first, etc.
Photo of still life
Started on white canvas, painted light of flowers first
Final Study
PS - I dropped off more magazines at LibertyTown, Studio 26. This is includes my supply from the basement so I am nearing the end of my collection. Sad to good-bye, but I have read them all and thank them for the help. Please help yourself. They are on the table in my studio. The whole first batch is gone.
This is beautiful, the colors are soft and harmonious. I am thinking of doing a short series on flowers just to shake away the winter doldrums!